Friday, February 20, 2009

Our Little Valentine!

Mimi came to visit us just in time for Valentine's Day! We made sugar cookies for my family here in town and went and delivered them. We were so happy to have her here again. Kyle had a blast, and lots of lovey dovey time with his special Mimi~!!!! He can say her name now, so it is cute!! Kyle is so much fun!! He does so many cute things, anf Tim and I just love to watch him. This kid has so much energy, it is crazy! He never stops moving. He loves to dance to any kind of music. Just give him a beat, and he starts shaking his little booty!!! He still isn't really talking, just saying a few words.... Dada, Momma, Mimi, bus, trash, please, "Wh's it?", maybe a couple more... But we know he will talk more when he is ready to..

We hope everyone had a great day filled with lots of love... We find out what the baby is next week.. so stayed tuned!!!!! YAY!!!!!


Ash said...

How fun!!! I can't wait to find out what you are having...we find out on Monday! Woohoo!

. said...

Love his hair cut. So cute. We want to shake a little booty with him. i u !