Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Little Things that Make Me Melt!

My 2 men playing at the park!

Nakey Nakey!!!! So Cute!!

Just "Oh So Handsome"!!

Doesn't get sweeter than this!! He LOVES his lamby!

Just a few pictures of the things I love! Being a wife and a mom is the most rewarding thing in the world!! I couldn't ask for anything more in my life!!! I love you Tim and Kyle!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Me and my honey!


Stop mommy, enough pictures!!!

Tubby Time with Aubree.. We had so much fun!!!

Aunt Khrissy's B-day Party!! Kyle LOVES her!!!

My little "Missy-Miss" So CUTE!!

Nothing much to talk about... It's been kinda boring around these parts lately... but here are some cute pics taken lately...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Mike!!!

An old pic of us!! Look how young!!!

Today is my brother-in-law Mike's birthday. I think he is 32, but I could be wrong. Mike has been in our family for a long time now. I think I was 12 when Tami and him started dating. Well we wanted to tell him Happy Birthday and let him know how special he is to us. Even though we barely see eachother anymore(he's probably happy about that..LOL...), Mike has been just like a big brother to me through the years. I have A LOT of memories of when I was a lot younger with him and Tami. He has always been there for me, even through my toughest times in life, always looking out for me and I wanted to tell you "Thank You for everything!". I lived with them right after their 1 year wedding anniversary and 1 great memory I have, and I'm sure he will never forget is... the great smell of instant Cream of Wheat in the morning I would make for myself. He HATED it so much!!!! When I think about that, it makes me laugh. Anyways... I hope you have a great day Mike, thanks for being the best brother-in-law anyone could ever have. I appreciate everything you have done for me!! Love You, IU!!!!!!!

Family Fun!

My Uncle Gary and cousin Jake were in town this weekend to do some turkey hunting with all the guys here. We were all able to get together Saturday and Sunday night for dinner. We haven't seen Uncle Gary since the day of my baby shower, and I haven't seen Jake in a long time. It was so nice to see them. They all had a lot of fun hunting(that's what the men do best on my Robinson side of the fam). Chris got a turkey, and we ate it Sunday night. We had turkey nuggets...to my surprise...sooo good!!!! Kyle loved his Great Uncle Gary...he was a little scared of Jake at first, but then warmed up to him. It was also Uncle Gary's birthday, so Linda made a cake and we were all able to celebrate with him. I hope to see them more often. We love them both so much. It is always nice to spend time with family, especially those that we don't get to see that often. Thanks for coming to see all of us, we had a great time!!

Mimi comes again!!

My mom came to see us again last week. It was really nice having her here. Tim had to go to San Francisco for training all week on transmissions, so she came to keep me company. I just wanted to post a cute pic I got of her and Kyle. We love that she comes to see us. It gets hard at times not being able to see our families as often as we'd like, so it is nice when she comes. We know she loves us very much and we love her just as much! Thank you mom for coming, we appreciate it more than you know!!