Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Kyle's Walking!!!

Kyle started walking a couple of weeks ago. It is hard to get a video though when it only lasts for a few seconds. So now that he is totally on the go, I finally got one. Sorry it is sideways, I will take one the right way soon.

Also, the 2nd video is for my sister Tami. It is him doing "SOOO BIG!!!" and giving loves! Kyle is a very sweet little boy. He loves giving kisses and just being lovey.


Russell and Trish said...

K- He is seriously so cute! I do "sooo big" with my neices and nephews and they love it. It's fun to see him walking around lke crazy.. he's like full on running in the first one. Way to go Kyle!! Keep the pictures and video's coming!

. said...

LOVE HIM! That is SO adorable. I U !

Feather Fam. said...

You are in trouble now! He is so stinkin' cute!
I think I get to see you in a couple of weeks...right?

Ash said...

EM! He is getting so big! What a cute little walker! And I love the "so big" we do that all the time now, but Oz isn't as good as Kyle yet~! LOVE IT!